Faith is like aged a bus guided by God face to face . once we prefer to get on the bus driven by Jesus and prefer to make the journey with him we all know that, of course, it’ll be a secure journey.

Maybe it’ll not take us where we would like to travel because, maybe, there where we might wish to go isn’t an area sure. But we all know that our driver will take us where he knows it is best for us, but we must want to form the journey with him, we must allow it.

Do you need to buy this trip? No, you do not pay, it’s free! the sole thing God asks folks is: “Do you would like to form this journey with me?” If we answer yes, we leave; if we are saying no to him; he reluctantly accepts our decision and leaves.

But throughout our whole life, until death, he will still ask us this same question – does one want to travel with me? He will always attempt to take us with him, to steer together.

The concept of “Childlike Faith” might be explained by answering a probable question from a child: “What is faith?”

To get on a vehicle driven by others, do you have to trust the driver? Why? If it causes an accident we risk our lives, because for the whole duration of the trip we entrusted it to him.

The goal of the devotion is to rework us to be more and more like Jesus, recognize our smallness and depend upon God as children.

Former narrators say that devotion to the Divine Child began on Mount Carmel (Israel) since consistent with tradition, Christ often visited that place to steer and pray together with his parents, Joseph and Mary, and his grandparents, St. Joaquin and Saint Ana.

On the bus guided by God, we will take all of us: Parents, relatives, friends, even enemies. Yes, they too! to point out him that it’s better to be friends and make the journey together, discovering during the journey that those we believed were enemies, they were just people that thought differently from us.

This journey will surely lead us to an area we call paradise that’s within the only existing place where we will always be in company, of that driver who brought us to safety. we’ll realize that we did well to trust God, to offer him our whole life within the hands! See where he took us? We were right to possess Faith like a Child!