“PM Modi doing wonderful change, making Indians Proud Globally” said Prof. Asoke K Laha, Founder President & CEO, Interra IT Inc. USA at IIF Webinar


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 15th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Prof Asoke Laha, Founder President & CEO, Interra IT Inc. USA & India and Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Finance. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance (www.iif.edu) and Executive Editor, Finance India (www.financeindia.org). The Webinar was attended by over 71 global participants from USA, France, Poland, Vietnam, India and others.

Prof Laha said people must have a Goal to chase in life which may be personnel or professional. Life always have ups and down, so always be positive and focused and learn every day. All of us make mistakes. One must admit our mistake and try not to repeat them again. Learning is everyday affair and one should always be positive. Life is unpredictable and that is what makes it interesting said Mr. Laha. According to him, effective communication is a key factor to grow in life. Giving back to society and taking care of family and friends makes one happy in life. Without having happy people in organization, no organization can grow. Everyone wants to hire people who are happy because happy people would be more productive.

Prof. Laha was very happy that India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is doing wonderful change. He felt that what PM Modi is doing is making Indian proud globally. He felt this especially being an American citizen, as there is a sea-face change in the way American and others welcome him today as compared to before. The current situation has taught us that there would be a transformation in the working culture. We should not be discouraged and arrogant by the current situation and need to stay focused. We should use this time to learn new things. Youth should not be discouraged with failure because failure is an important integral part of life. There is always a list of Un-knowns and a List of Knowns, one must move from list of unknowns to list of knowns to induce certainty in un-certainty. Positivity is the Key.

One must invest in one’s health, set goals and learn to manage time felt Mr. Laha is the mantra for tomorrow. Quality and competency should be a quality of every employee. One must always ask oneself as to what is the value addition one is doing to one’s organisation, family and the nation. One should always make a good relation and have mutual respect between the employer and employee. Perquisites should be given to the daily wage worker added Mr. Laha.

Large number of Questions from amongst 71 participants were asked by Mohd. Haleem Khan (former Secretary Government of India, Ministry of Finance, India) ; Mr. Minoo Bhagwagar (Consultant, India) ; Dr. Hetal Prekh (Professor, India) ; Prof. Dr. Yamini Agarwal (IIF Business School [AKTU, India) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.