XLSTAT 2020.1.3 is now available! What’s new?


April 6, 2020 — ADDINSOFT launches XLSTAT 2020.1.3, its powerful data analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel®. What’s new in this version?

* Clustering after dimensionality reduction (available in all XLSTAT solutions)
A new button has been added to the XLSTAT output sheet which allows you to quickly run an Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) after conducting a Principant Component Analysis (PCA) or other dimension reduction methods (MFA, FA, MCA, etc).

* 2-sample t-test and z-test (available in all XLSTAT solutions)
You can now select multiple columns of sample identifiers and carry out the independent test for each of the sample identifiers in one shot. Missing values in your data are no longer a limitation as an option for removing missing observations (tab Missing data) has been added. This feature is accessible under the Parametric tests menu.

* Ternary graphs with groups (available in all XLSTAT solutions)
Color observation points within your Ternary plot based on the group they belong to. Use the new field of the Ternary dialog box, named Groups, for this purpose. You can find it in the Visualizing data menu.

* Youden Plots (available in XLSTAT Life Sciences and Premium)
This new method validation tool consists of a bivariate scatter plot in which limits of acceptability and outliers are plotted. Commonly used in Laboratory Medicine to evaluate the performance of interlaboratory test procedures. XLSTAT implements methods as described in ISO 13528-2015-10 (algorithm A). Access this feature from the Method Validation menu.

* 4 or 5 parameter logistic regression (available in XLSTAT Life Sciences and Premium)
Powerful and faster computations are achieved due to the improvement of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Addition of the graph Residual values versus Fitted values for verifying the assumption of randomly distributed residuals with a homogeneous variance. This feature is available in the Dose effect analysis menu.

* STATIS / Free sorting (available in XLSTAT Sensory and Premium)
A chart has been added to project each object of each configuration on the axes determined by STATIS. In a sensory data analysis, this graph helps you evaluate, for a given product, how close the assessors are to each other and which ones stand out. Access this feature under the Sensory data analysis menu.

* Up and down arrow buttons (available in all XLSTAT solutions)
Convenient arrows now allow you to quickly move up and down any XLSTAT report sheet.

XLSTAT 2020.1.3 will provide you access to improvements, advanced options and increase the performance of your software. Visit https://www.xlstat.com/en/solutions and try our new version!