With the current 2K20 MyPlayer builder


I believe we ought to have my livelihood to two for 2K21. One is the distinctive life of Kobe(with I guess his wife permission and all cash or any could go to their charity). We begin with him being a senior in HS, play a game and you have NBA 2K20 MT Coins to receive his mature number of one of his game(achieve but possible). He gets drafted to the Lakers and we follow 20 seasons of his NBA life. We mirror every game, each triumph, losses, shaq beef, and we practice such as everyday to unlock special things(idk) we perform all 20 seasons up till he retires and we could play his last speech. There is no simple manner I want it to be hard and not a easy thing to finish.

I think it would be amazing if done right and please no freaking vc. Exercise to improve and you need to play with it. We make to recreate his sneakers and maybe get to grow (spell check) his Mamba. What you think? Or is this crap. I foundations this I wanted a career that lasted over 1 year and was freaking heavily VC on to be a player dependent. I will make another article for my career.

Really need back high school and college ball. The underdog and narrative was a change but it’s getting a bit old and I miss and dominating at high school getting to pick a school and get drafted. Speaking of the draft, I also would really like to find the draft return of picking on our groups, rather than the trend. It limits variety and I think people would enjoy the career mode as a whole in case their inventory determines where they’re drafted and fluctuates throughout the college season. My preferred career style was 2K17. Would like the draft to return and the capability to be a top recruit from high school rather than being and a no name becoming a super star. Thank you for considering this petition and I hoping for a better season with 2K21.

I know lots of people (including me) who shy away from 2K20 due to how difficult it’s to get VC to upgrade your players. Some people do not wish to spend 25 dollars right off the bat ontop of 60. It is tough to get into because of that individuals who get it about Christmas actual release. This occurred to me, and I can’t get because I do not have pleasure grinding 24, without spending and do awful. This is because I could be an 88 OVERALL, however I really don’t have the VC.

2K21s MyCAREER mode ought to have two: a multiplayer mode and a single player. On the single player one you couldn’t have the ability to play with the multiplayer features (MyPark and what which involves another individual players). For this reason, you need to have the ability to create the so called”demigods” and not to be limited with the current 2K20 MyPlayer builder, with a lot of limitations on the participant generating process (mainly with the pie charts to Buy NBA 2K MT and physical attributes). This player inventions could be made basing on the current”Options” window player creator. With the 2K20 MyPlayer builder you are able to create, by way of example but using a F-level defense.