A number of hospitals are overwhelmed with patients and deaths. Non-essential businesses are shut down until further notice. Covid-19 once underestimated by most countries has caused significant upheaval around the globe. Without a definitive timeline around the development of vaccines or a cure, government officials and the public are afraid of reopening the economy. But what exactly does it mean to “re-open the economy?”

The CDC drafted a 3 phase reopening roadmap. Each phase includes guidelines for organizations including, schools, camps, childcare centers, religious facilities and mass transit systems that emphasize strict control and social distancing measures. Although the guidelines can only serve as advice and it is up to the individual states to enforce them, it is likely that the states will adapt similar guidelines.

The take away from the guidelines is that social distancing measures will still be incorporated in our lives to ensure the health-safety of the population. Yes, people will need to eventually go back to work in order to put food on the table. But it will have to be done with a lot of caution and discipline.

We’ve come so far in our efforts to flatten the curve. The real scare is going backwards and facing another wave of the virus— especially if the timing coincides with the seasonal flu.
The hard truth is that the virus will still be with us— at least until a vaccine is developed.

So what can we do and how can we as individuals prepare for the reopening?

We can start by:

1) Staying healthy and keeping the immune system strong.

Eating right, exercising daily and getting sufficient amount of sleep.

2) Limiting human contact as much as possible.

Working remotely as much as possible, going out only when it is necessary and maintaining a 2 meters (about 6 feet) distance when out in public.

3) Washing and sanitizing hands properly, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and ventilating homes and offices frequently.

4) Wearing personal protective equipment —such as masks, goggles, and gloves.

According to the CDC, transmission occurs much more commonly through respiratory droplets than through fomites. This means that maintaining the 2m distance and wearing protective equipment— including masks, goggles and gloves are going to be priority when in public.

But the real question is, how can we get our hands on the supplies in the first place? The reality is that we are facing critical shortages that even the biggest companies in the United States cannot keep up with. And how can we protect ourselves from scams and fraudsters taking advantage of the situation?

The answer is simple— sourcing companies with credibility and experience in dealing with disasters. Private companies that fall under the radar like ANNI Medical manufactures up to 50,000 masks per day. Following the footsteps of larger private companies in the United States like Space X and Tesla, smaller companies like ANNI Medical shifted to manufacturing supplies to relieve the shortage for needed Personal protective equipment. ANNI Medical is the sister company of ANNI K.K, a company that works closely with UNICEF Japan. They had successfully delivered emergency supplies for UNICEF in the March 11, 2011 earthquake and the post Fukushima disaster.

For more information on ANNI medical, click here:

About Us
It is times like this that inspire people like me to have a voice. The team at Sarsblog is dedicated to write about real issues that affect the everyday people experiencing tough times.

We understand that many of us have experienced job loss, are battling health issues, and enduring what is seemingly an endless pause to our lives. The mental, emotional and spiritual effects we are experiencing may in some instances outweigh the actual physical damages posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Sometimes it is the survivors that feel the most guilt and pain. Recovering from grief and having to rebuild from what was lost is no walk in the park.

This blog is for you and for those that have left this world behind. This platform was created to help you cope with your loss, to give you reason to move on and to help clarify some of the issues most mainstream media intentionally cover up.

My goal is to alert people of real issues so that we can take the necessary steps to make this world a better place.

We at SARSBLOG will try our best to remain factual so that we can be a reliable support system to you all in this time of crisis.

Thank you and welcome SARSBLOG.

Your blog for better health and happiness.

Cheza De Jose