Knock it down before it knocks you through social distancing


The animation students at Vogue Institute of Art and Design create a PSA video using bowling to illustrate the importance of social distancing to reduce the spread of coronavirus

National, 30th April 2020: It is essential for every individual to follow social distancing to bend the curve and reduce the impact of Covid-19, especially when the lockdown relaxes. The animation students at Vogue Institute of Art and Design created a short PSA video on how social distancing can make a difference in reducing the spread of coronavirus.
Link to the video –
Under the guidance of faculty members, the animation students brainstormed and worked on a PSA video campaign on social distancing- Knock it down before it knocks you. In the video, a bowling ball could easily strike all the pins in the frame as they were close. The moment there were a few pins that were distant from each other in a frame, the pins could not be knocked easily. Even if it knocked one pin, the rest were standing straight and the knocked pin could regain to normal.
This symbolizes how social distancing can reduce the chances of the spread of the coronavirus and increase the chances of those who have been affected to survive as the healthcare system will have lesser number of cases to address. The video shares gratitude to the frontline soldiers of the country and addresses hope to fight the virus and win the battle. #StayHome #Bethechange
Speaking about the initiative, Prince Xavier, Head of Animation Department, stated, “It is essential for us to communicate about the importance of social distancing at this hour of need. Our students have been enthusiastic about spreading this message and worked extensively to make this video. We hope that every individual follows social distancing during and post the lock down. We are grateful for the efforts taken by the government and every frontline soldier who is working every day to keep us safe.”
Yashwanth Vitala, BVA Animation and Multimedia student at Vogue Institute of Art and Design said, “My main objective was to make a video that could send a strong message to the people. At this current time, it is essential that everyone understands the importance of social distancing. Through this video, I also wanted to share a tribute for the frontline heroes.”