Advocate Rajeev Saxena said “India must focus on Agriculture and Cottage Industries to revitalize Growth and Life” at IIF Webinar


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 14th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Mr. Rajeev Saxena, Advocate, Delhi High Court, India. Mr. Saxena has been a Former Member of Executive Committee of the University of Delhi and Honourary Secretary, The Global Jurist (an NGO). The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance ( and Executive Editor, Finance India ( The Webinar was attended by over 62 global participants from Sweden, Japan, Germany, Malaysia, UAE, Tunisia, India and others.

Mr. Saxena outlined that essence of life is to have balance among inner-self, conscience, mind, intelligence and action. All these are important for growth in life. One should be committed to all tasks which are assigned in one’s life. Sighting his personal life as an example he outlined that the Essence of Life is that a person must First Get On; Then Get Honour and Then Get Honest, where, each of these acts are interchangeable depending upon the state at which you are and the Conviction to follow the principle defines a person’s progress while Commitment to the Cause or the task becomes the Goal. This is where wisdom and intelligence plays a vital role. According to him, for every decision in life one has to strike a balance. Change is the only constant in life. Positivity is important for life but it is rare to find and live.

Success is a matter of one’s Attitude, Aptitude and Perception. Success does not mean to loose or win in life. One needs to accept, adapt and be with the change to grow in life. Happiness is different for different people and is a state of mind and way of seeing the life. Speaking about his legal professional experience, Mr. Saxena said that he feels Waad, Vivad and Samwad are essential for professional growth. Life is ever changing, adaptability to this change without compromising one’s honour, honesty, integrity and credibility as the essence of growth, emotional, practical, physical, spiritual and conscious with Success or achievement becoming immaterial or meaningless, as they come on daily basis.

It is this balance and proper alignment in Life between ‘’Atman(Life Within) – Chit(Consciousness)- Mana: (Mind)- which gets further complexed or complicated – with ‘Buddhi”(intelligence) Vivek (Conscience) that should guide all our actions and once we succeed in drawing this balance we are fearless and can guide others righteously , without any “Aahaankar(Ego) of success leading us to vanity , conceit, vainglory or “Vinamrata (Modesty)”’, that’s often mistaken for timidity ,altruism or passivity, in invariably we shall be able to consciously and conscientiously deliver what are required as professional.

In India we need to focus on our fundamental strength that is Agriculture and Cottage industry for sustained growth. We need to have trust in our-self that we are the best to handle any situation. Self-reliance and belief that we can handle all uncertainties better than any other must always be there. I have full confidence in our Prime Minister and his action plans to navigate us through these difficult times.

Large number of Questions from amongst 62 participants were asked by Dr. Rekha Jagannathan (former Member, Karnataka State Planning Board, India); Prof. Dr. Junzo Watada (Japan & Malaysia); Mr. Mohd. Haleem Khan (former Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Finance); Dr. Poonam Sethi (Hindu College, Delhi universiy, India); Prof. Yamini Agarwal (IIF Business School [AKTU], India) and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.