Appreiz Introducing A New Way For Success To Your Company Via Employee Engagement, Rewards, and Recognition.


April 28th, 2020 Contact info: +1(844)326-4265

• Increasing your employee engagement in the workplace can be a tricky task. As an employer or manager, you need to ensure that your employees are passionate about their jobs and that they come to the office everyday eager and enthusiastic to start their work.

• Appriez introduces Proven Methods to Increase Employee Engagement in the Workplace; inturn increasing more productivity of your company.

• The foremost step is to Rewards and Recognition. It’s not that hard to increase employee engagement. The not-so-magic formula is knowing how to recognize and reward employees.

As a trustworthy Performance Management System to recognize employees work status, Appreiz further more steps integrate with office collaboration platforms to easily send employees surveys and receive responses, also it can identify and prioritize key drivers of employee engagement through its predictive intelligence, thus helps with Rewards and Recognition to boost your employee and inturn increase your growth.

Appreiz is there to help you with all these issues and helps you create surveys so you can find out what’s working, and not working, through firsthand feedback and Performance Management Process. The goal of Appriez is to achieve Higher engagement, More accurate reflections of employee performance, More chances to address problems at the moment instead of taking a long time, and Highly detailed insights into what you could be doing differently.

The more people you manage, the harder it gets to stay informed at the ground level. The SAP SuccessFactors in Appreiz offers executives reassurance that managers are completing the performance cycle within their teams, and it gives managers an easy way to monitor goal progress, review notes, and even ask for updates—it’s all built into the report.
“The simplicity of deployment across multiple channels and platforms has made Appriez a leader in employee engagement apps, and customizable design themes and templates let companies build polls that reflect their brand. Thus, it Helps managers easily understand their team’s level of engagement and satisfaction while also tracking trends based on specific user attributes, like salary, hire date, and department. Also, Evaluating your team’s feelings, productivity, and performance is a continuous cycle and that should take top priority” says one of the executives of Appreiz Performance Management System.

Appreiz Performance Management System helps automate the process of reviewing employee engagement performance, setting new objectives, and writing individual development plans by offering 360-degree feedback, goal setting, and tracking, employee self-appraisal, multi-level reviews and get better insights with comprehensive reports that help evaluate individual performances and the organization as a whole. The result? Higher engagement, more accurate reflections of employee performance, and more chances to address problems at the moment instead of wasting your valuable time with appreiz’s reliable Performance Management Process. Try the best SAP App trial here