Short Hills Cranial Center Shares Information about Cranial Helmets


If you have ever spotted a baby with a helmet and wondered why it is wearing one, here’s the information. The cranial helmet is part of a medical therapy.

The treatment is called plagiocephaly. Since babies have bones that are malleable, the skull can take on an uncommon shape in some infants. This often occurs when a child rests his head in one spot too often. Whereas sometimes this problem corrects itself, it does not always do so. A misshapen skull can cause facial abnormalities and have a negative impact on brain development. That’s where cranial helmets for infants in New York factor into the equation.

Here are some reminders for families who have a child who requires a cranial helmet.

• It is not the mother’s fault that her child needs a helmet. A mother cannot be held responsible for the conditions that cause a child to need this type of therapy.
• Your baby wearing a helmet is going to be harder on you than it is on your baby. Sometimes you worry that your baby is uncomfortable or that people are staring, but remember that the helmet does not bother the baby nor does it notice looks from strangers. The truth is that the helmet is part of the baby’s life for a short time and prevents more serious issues later in life.
• There are other options. Besides the cranial helmet, there are alternatives as well. Sometimes the helmet isn’t necessary. Consult your doctor. Learning about plagiocephaly treatment in New York can make it less frightening, as well.
• The therapy (cranial helmets) must be used early in the infant’s life to be effective. The later the baby is fitted for a helmet, the harder it is to reshape the skull.

If you have questions regarding this treatment, contact the Short Hills Cranial Center today. Visit our website at

Contact Us:

Short Hills Cranial Center
Address: 748 Morris Turnpike, Suite 203 Short Hills, NJ 07078
Phone: 800-552-7621
Fax: 973-376-2615?