Short Hills Cranial Center Offering Helmet Therapy for Children


To correct the shape of a baby’s skull, cranial helmets are used. These helmets help correct bone growth near a flat spot but are only recommended in certain cases.

Why is helmet therapy used?

Doctors employ helmet therapy to correct the shape of a baby’s skull. Physical therapy is recommended in the case of torticollis (when a child has short neck muscles which cause the twisting of a baby’s neck). When a child doesn’t respond well to physical therapy, the professionals often suggest helmet therapy.

What is the initial process for getting a helmet?

The primary doctor provides an initial evaluation. The doctor will suggest a place that provides orthotics so you can obtain a fitted helmet for the child. To find a center near you, use internet search terms like flat heat treatment in New Jersey.

How does an orthotist fit the baby for a helmet?

Initially, the center staff takes a laser scan of the baby’s head. According to these measurements; a customized helmet is designed for your baby. Helmets are composed of a foam lining that may require modifications after the baby wears it for a short time. The helmet is meant to hold the round areas of the skull while providing the flat spot a space to grow.

How often does the child need to wear the helmet?

Generally, the child should wear the helmet 23 hours a day, to be removed when bathing.

What are the side effects of helmet therapy?

If the helmet fits properly, there should not be irritation, discomfort, nor odor.

Where can I obtain a cranial helmet in New Jersey or New York for my child?

Short Hills Cranial Center is proud to offer helmets that are comfortable for your baby. To find the right cranial helmet in New York, visit our website:

Contact Us:

Short Hills Cranial Center
Address: 748 Morris Turnpike, Suite 203 Short Hills, NJ 07078
Phone: 800-552-7621
Fax: 973-376-2615?