Mental Health & My Journey


Seher Hashmi : April 26th
I will be speaking about mental health issues and my journey. A large number of young people go through mental health issues but they are either scared or shy or talk about it as their is a stigma attached to it in our society. Having gone through severe depression for years and dealing with it even now to some extent, I want to share it , to help myself and help others confront it . It is important to sensitize the society at large that it is like any other sickness which requires attention and sympathy. parents need to realize that if their child is suffering from depression or any other mental illness, he or she requires their love and sympathy and that they must recognize it. I will be doing Facebook live every Sunday at 5pm on my page. Please do watch, ask questions,, and share.

I am not a counselor, I have no professional training, whatever I speak will be from my personal experience. Those requiring professional help must consult with experts- psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, therapists.