I must be given membership credit in RS


I’ve a half made design doc of’OSRS Summoning’ but ultimately I figured it would not work for a few reasons… Firstly pets and the way followers in general are becoming a highly valued’decorative’ that gamers like to flaunt. It would drastically reduce the appeal of pets When old school rs gold we had a bunch of new followers. Secondly, what I had taken out (BoB, combat familiars) of it I figured most wouldn’t actually call it Summoning anymore. There were other issues (engine) which came up from talks too so I gave up on the idea. As for divination and invention… Warding was an attempt to make them appealing as a package – I don’t think it worked. I’d love the content, however as a minigame/raid rather than a skill.

Is there a way to bring an old accounts back? This popped up in my feed and I stopped playing with RuneScape back in 2009 but man did I put in hours. I honestly quit cause I may have been a little too addicted back with the quarantine.. I’d really like to dive back in. Kudos guys. I loved the game but vowed to take a rest from playing with mmorpgs because 2009. Truly overlook the songs in lumbridge, pking, before transitioning to manhood and the first time I managed to purchase guthix guild on f2p.

It is very tough to distance out of it occasionally, especially when your friends know you work there and also will throw inquiries your way and remind you of work a lot. It’s also quite frustrating when I ca reply in my account and see comments about work related topics. It makes me see it differently like I used to and I really don’t like it. (I still love the game though, and am really enthusiastic, but I am focusing that on design and operate instead)I do not find it’s too much of a problem once I do play!

At the moment, at the time of writing this, I can’t log into my account since once again somebody has tried to figure my password a lot of times that the system has locked my accounts. This happens to me. How feasible is it for one to make a change? For example: Instead of temporarily uninstalled an account for”a lot of login attempts”, simply reset the authenticator. Being locked out of the game because somebody else made”too many login attempts” trying to imagine my password is poor.

Allow players to switch their login from their username. The service site now says there’s no way to do this, but that means”we have not taken the time to code up a means to do this.” So just how much work would it take to code up? Offer refunds to players who are being denied the chance to play the match for extended periods of time. I pay for membership, and it is very frustrating to me when entire days to buy rs 3 gold go by that my account is locked due to”too many login attempts”. I feel like if Jagex can not (or will not ) do anything to prevent this from occurring, I must be given membership credit for the time that I had been locked out, or be provided a refund for this moment.