Akshay Kumar meets Akshay Kumar – The Khiladi Kumar in a candid conversation with RJ Anmol opened up on how is he spending time in the lockdown


Akshay Kumar’s career in Bollywood is easily a case study in itself, starting in 1991 with Saugandh to the last release Good Newz in 2019, the man in the span of 30 years has given the audiences 113 films across multiple genres. The ‘Mini Box-Office’ has a fantastic line up of films slated to release this year.

Apart from work, Khiladi Kumar is a socially conscious citizen and is contributing to the Government’s effort against the pandemic in a major way. In a recent celebrity heartfulness index study by an institute, he scored a perfect 10, leaving behind scores of celebrities in the entertainment and sports domain. Speaking to RJ Anmol, he explained that he is on a path of self-discovery during the lockdown.

Explaining the same he mentioned; “The last thirty years went too fast. I did not get the time to sit back and introspect. Work, family, life kept me busy. However, this lockdown has given me so much time that I could never get earlier. I used this opportunity to think and feel about so many issues, that I needed clarity on. I am finding so many facets of “myself”. I strongly feel that this process of self-discovery should be undertaken by every individual to awaken various levels of consciousness. As an individual, I am feeling much stronger, connected, and empowered.”

On the family front, Mr. Kumar has picked up gardening as a hobby and is growing veggies in his garden along with other family members. “We are growing Spinach and Potatoes. My wife jokes that in case things turn worse, we will at least have ‘Aloo Saag’ to eat. By now, I have visited every corner of my house, sat on every sofa, chair, and window sill and even have played with the toy car of my seven-year-old daughter” he exclaims with loud laughter.

On giving a message to his fans Akshay said “I would request all my countrymen to pay special attention to their health. Health is the most important thing, if you lose good health now, it will be very difficult to get back to your fitter-self afterward. Also, for the virus, it is difficult to infect people with strong immunity, focus on building your immunity.” The conversation ended with the RJ and the superstar playing a telephonic Anktakshri. The interviewer RJ Anmol also got connected to Akshay’s statement that in the rigmarole of life we often miss out on the simple and real pleasures like mindfulness and self-discovery. “I want to live my life like Akshay Kumar!” exclaimed the RJ