A Smart Way to Post Job Ads to Many Job Platforms


Jobisite Premium Service will save time Posting to Multiple Job Platforms. Jobisite connects to more than ten job platforms.

Jobisite, a leading Job portal, offers remarkable features for job seekers and recruiters. Business owners and employers will find many advantages of using their affordable job post feature. One of the features that are very useful for both job seekers and recruiters is post jobs to multiple job boards. Only with a single click and payment, users can send jobs ads and resumes to many leading job boards aggregation. According to Jobisite manager, they strive to provide as low as possible the service cost for user convenience.

Post jobs ads to multiple job boards require a lot of time and sometimes stressful situations. One who wants to post their job ads or resumes must have to fill various forms, and they have to visit many job boards, which will take more time. With Jobisite’s multiple job boards, they do not need to perform multiple tasks. They are only required to fill a single form for multiple job boards. Jobisite multiple job posts service is connected to many leading job platforms such as Job Real Time, LinkHello, America Jobs, Employment USA, Qoaolic, Link Lost Directory, and Jobs aggregation. The job ads will also be sent to their social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and many more. Therefore, users will save their time to search for the best job boards to send their ads.

Jobisite is a prominent job platform that has many features. Job seekers can see more job requirements since the site also aggregates jobs from other job portals. Jobisite provides job vacancies from many sources, and even job seekers could also find and apply for jobs posted on twitter. The platform also allows job seekers to connect and message the recruiter. This way, it reduces gaps among them.

For recruiters, Jobisite provides many talented candidates. They can also post job ads to 12 different job boards using Jobisite multiple post feature. The job ads also will be sent through email alerts to job seekers and also promoted through social media and fan pages.

“You can post your job ads and resumes as low as $10,” said Marketing Manager. He added Jobisite premium service would save time to post to many job platforms.

About Jobisite

Jobisite is a job platform with many features. Jobisite connects job seekers and recruiters with no hassle. For more information, please visit https://www.jobisite.com/jb/Post-jobs-multiple-job-boards.jsp.