Reasons Amazon could suspend your seller account


Amazon could suspend your account on many counts and disobedience is one of them. You have to strictly follow the rules or you will be suspended by the e-commerce site. There are many reasons that may warrant suspension so an Amazon account suspended appeal is in order if it happens to you for some reason. Now let us ponder over the issues that could warrant an Amazon suspension.
If you are a seller member
• You will be suspended if you fail to fulfill your commitments to the customers who buy your products through Amazon. Amazon takes its image and business dealings seriously and take immediately action against people who attempt to dampen its name.
• Dispatching sub-standard items or items other than ordered is an offence under Amazon regulations. It is a breach of contract in which you promised to deliver the advertised goods and quality.
• Customer testimonials make a lot of difference to business prospects. If Amazon gets adverse customer testimonials with regard to your products then it is likely that the website will take action at once. Complaining about quality could deter the image of Amazon because it sets very high standards for products that are sold on its platform. If this happens, the seller account could be suspended.
• Not listening to warnings or neglecting communication from Amazon would warrant severe punishment like suspension. it is normal for the website to send letters, alerts and warnings over mail and if you fail to read and reply to them you become a potential customer for suspension.
• Amazon never suspends members without sufficient cause or warnings. It will suspend accounts only when it feels that you are neglecting or deliberately avoiding the communication. You will then kept wondering why Amazon closed my Account.
In the overall scene, Amazon has to punish members every now and then to keep the in line. People get too complacent in the feeling that Amazon will keep their business running as it has great reputation and consequently huge following. Some stupid or inadvertently done deeds by its members could jeopardize its reputation or lose faith of the customers. Quality and assurance of delivery is important and if you by any means fail to fulfill that it is likely you will be suspended on Amazon. If it happens then you should be ready with some rearguard action such as preparing to appeal against the suspension and making effort to retrieve the account.