Chip In Faith Foundation – Get to Know Us Better !


When someone is in dire need of something, where do they go? Where do they gather the belief that everything will be fine and you have to just hold on, just for some more time? People might call it hope, we address it as FAITH.

Faith is a superpower. It keeps motivating one to not give up, an assurance that help or rescue is not far. Many a times this superpower needs an assisting hand for support. That’s what Chip In Faith does. It binds the faith of the one who needs to the power of one who can give.

Get to know us better:

We are a user-friendly online crowdfunding platform who let anyone across India or globally raise funds for any kind of disaster relief, healthcare, education, women empowerment, rural projects and many more. We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs who have pioneered in developing person-to-person giving in India. Chip In Faith addresses several challenges of giving in terms of the difficulty faced while contemplating the precise causes and trust issues. We aim to become one of India’s most trusted and preferred platforms for fund raising for any genuine causes.

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Chip In Faith is a salute to everyone who never loses faith. We dedicate ourselves towards the service to humanity and pledge to be a true platform for those who are in need of financial help towards a grave reason.We have the faith in your power that you can put a smile on someone’s face, you can save a life, and you can nurture a creative idea. The power of making a social change lies within you. It is time for us to be kind, be generous, and be selfless. It’s time for us to Donate.