USA Dr.Jayshree Pandya said “Humanity will Survive in complex multidimensional Eco-system post Corona (Covid-19) era with our ability to Re-engineer and Re-create innovatively enforcing new frameworks for Growth and Life”


Indian Institute of Finance hosted the 6th IIF Webinar series on “Essence of Life and Growth” by Dr. Jayshree Pandya, Founder CEO, Risk Group LLC, Texas, USA. She is also the Founder and Chief Science Officer, HRDN, NY, USA; Author of GeoPolitics of Cyber Security (USA) and Contributor, Forbes USA. The Webinar was moderated by Prof. Aman Agarwal, Professor of Finance & Dean (IR) Indian Institute of Finance ( and Executive Editor, Finance India ( The Webinar was attended by over 43 global participants from USA, UK, Japan, UAE, Greece, Malaysia, Poland, India and others.

Dr. Pandya given her long career in Risk domains said that Surviving as a species is a complex multidimensional process. Humanity has survived so far based on our group survival strategy. While we are used to living in a tribal mode that is based on nationality, ethnicity, religion, ideology and more, it is time to evaluate – if we continue living in a standard mode of tribalism, what will we gain and what will we loose. As long as we exist in the tribal version of our survival strategy, every new disruptive technology, every new pandemic will also bring us the power of self-destruction, In this unprecedented new global reality, there is going to be a dramatic restructuring of fundamentals of economic, security and social order in which humans, business, society, and economy have traditionally operated. How exactly this Covid-19 pandemic crisis-driven restructuring unfolds depends on our understanding of the meaning of life and growth. It is our ability to re-engineer and re-create ourselves and our eco-system that will allow us to overcome our limitations and will be a major contributing factor to the survival of our species.

Dr. Pandya emphasised that it is the time to evaluate our traditional ways of life and the ethos which have survived us for centuries to build upon a life full of joy and sustained growth. The current situation is affecting all countries economically, psychologically and financially. Our ability to re-engineer life give us the ability to tackle all the challenges so that we could grow in many different ways. We cannot stay at stand-still, irrespective of the situation. We need to focus on creating new systems, new ideas and innovations which will be the mantra for tomorrow. According to her, the inner drive is most important. She explained this using her own personal life example of being born and brought up in India and her survival instincts, urge and zeal to move forward and achieve heights in her professional and personal life bearing turbulences none less than what Covid-19 brings before mankind. This quarantine status gives us the time to understand, re-emerge and outline as to what we want to achieve in life balancing growth with the spiritual needs of every human being.

India has enormous brainpower. There should be collective brainstorming about where the country is failing and must come up with new ideas. It is time to leave behind traditional thinking and think with civilised thinking, and think in a national or a global village perspective going forward feels Dr. Pandya. Governments globally need to come up with innovative policies and supportive framework to deal with the current situation and empower the entrepreneurs, MSMEs and the common man to be able to take risk with the implementation of innovative ideas. Disruptive innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Blockchains / 5G comes with power dynamics and there could empower nations against struggles in the future. Technology like space mining or asteroid mining are new technologies coming up which could lead to huge imbalances between countries. Once we start to imagine how we can solve prevailing problems or develop appropriate solution, new ways to solve these would come up using new technologies proposed Dr. Jayshree Pandya.

Large number of Questions from amongst 43 participants were asked by Mohd. Haleem Khan (India); Prof. Dr. Junzo Watada (Japan & Malaysia); Dr. Ankit Kumar (India); Prof. Dr. Yamini Agarwal (IIFBS, Greater Noida, India); Dr. Manoj Agrawal (Mumbai, India); and many others.

Indian Institute of Finance has initiated the interactive IIF Webinar Series on “Essence of Life and Growth” with the prime objective to bring forth positivity of life based on the life experiences one has gained over 3-4 decades of personal life experiences, professional life, the nation, the economy and the world at large, having seen different colours of life based on ups and downs one has witnessed.