Romania prohibits Alex Bodi’s family from landing with the private jet


The corona pandemic is hitting South-East European countries particularly hard. In Romania, people are starving because many Romanians, who usually live on the wages their relatives earned mainly in Germany as harvest workers, on construction sites or in the large slaughterhouses, now have no income. The country is on the verge of financial collapse, the Corona Pandemic has brought the boom of the past years to an abrupt end.

One million people are unemployed, another 950,000 jobs are suspended. In March 2020 alone, economic output in the largest country in Southeastern Europe with 19 million inhabitants slumped by 30 percent. It is fitting that the government of Romania under Prime Minister Ludovic Orban (Partidul Naional Liberal – PNL) is currently interpreting the regulations of the European Union (EU), from whose taxpayers Romania receives billions in subsidies every year “in a completely different way than European laws allow” and even prohibits the entry of its own citizens into Romania.

The case currently submitted concerns the repatriation of a Romanian citizen and her three-year-old infant = As these documents prove, the competent Romanian authority Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila Romana – AACR, despite an official request, has forbidden the land permit to Bucharest for the two Romanian citizens and even informed them that if they were to enter Romania, the citizens would be placed under “state supervision”, i.e. internment (hotel / barracks or similar). One can only guess what awaits the currently more than 2000 harvest workers who were flown to Germany to help German farmers harvest asparagus on their return journey.

Alex Bodi, a well-known successful entrepreneur from Romania, who wanted to have his wife and three-year-old daughter back with him for Easter and therefore paid for the over 35,000 euro expensive evacuation flight, is shocked by the current behaviour and the obvious internment order when his family enters Germany. His family, of course, have their own home where his wife and child could be in domestic quarantine after their arrival in Romania, and against this background the order, which is based on a military regulation of the Romanian Government, seems to be massively excessive. One must also ask oneself objectively whether “military decrees” do not recall martial law?

Despite intensive efforts and the direct contact of the operator Spreeflug Fürstenwalde, with the Consul General Gheorghe Dimitrescu of the Republic of Romania in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Romanian state and until today, Monday, April 20, 2020, was not able to grant the necessary permission =