Consider These Three Fees before Hiring a Credit Card Processing Company


Debit cards and credit cards are some of the most popular payment methods today.People don’t have to carry cash with them anymore because they can easily usecredit cards or debit cards. Retailers too are adjusting to this change in consumer behavior, taking full advantage of modern credit card merchant services. Doing so has allowed retailers and entrepreneurs to expand their business.

One study found that 83% of businessthat accept credit cards, made possible by the best merchant servicesavailable, have seen an increase in sales. Today, many customers are more likely to choose a company that has secure online payment options.

Finding the right credit card payment process, however, can be an overwhelming process. It reflects an important financial decision, so you must take it seriously.

You might ask yourself this question: What are the different types of fees and costs associated with accepting electronic payment?

When searching for a credit card processor, consider these three types of fees.

1. Interchange fees:This is the fee that is charged for every processed transaction. This is to be paid by the payment processor to the card-issuing bank as well. This fee usually ranges from 2% and 3% per transaction. The final rate that you pay will depend on several factors, like the type of card accepted and the type of transaction and the size of it as well.
2. Monthly statements fees:This is processed by the credit card issuing company; you will have to mail in your monthly statement. The average cost of this will differ depending on several factors.
3. Application and setup fees: These are the fees applied for the processing service. Setting up this service can be a major investment.

To learn more about credit card processing fees for vendors, businesses, and retailers, visit today. Our friendly team is ready to help

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Leaders Merchant Services

725 Via Alondra, Camarillo, CA 93012

Telephone: (800) 220-4143
