Sustainable and Eco Friendly T-Shirt Printing – A.M. Custom Clothing


You will agree that going green, sustainability and reducing your carbon foot-print are huge trends nowadays. With an increase in awareness about the state of the environment, more people are looking for alternatives to products that are harmful to the environment. With increased awareness there is an increase in demand for eco-friendly products. Fortunately, A.M. Custom Clothing recognized the demand for eco-friendly t-shirt printing and are increasing their supply.

A.M. Custom Clothing is a wholesale provider of quality printed and embroidered clothing for uniform, workwear and retail. The UK’s leading supplier of wholesale, custom printed & embroidered clothing. They offer award-winning service & products.

With sustainable and eco-friendly t-shirt printing from A.M. Custom Clothing you have the advantage of handmade products that leave are reduced impact on the environment.

A.M. Custom Clothing ensures that their t-shirt printing is leading in the fashion arena and they help stop exploiting animals and nature in the name of clothing products. Eco-friendly is definitely in, and now! Celebrities are encouraging the trend of using eco-friendly t-shirt printing as high fashion or just socially responsible, there are many reasons to start using eco-friendly t-shirts and fashion accessories.

If you are inspired to create balance between our social lives and the environment in which we live, eco-friendly T-shirt printing is for you. As more and more people become aware of the fragile equilibrium of the environment, there is a natural desire to live their lives with a vision that is compatible with nature, and does not go against it. A.M. Custom Clothing does not indulge in practices such as using harsh chemicals, artificial dyes, animal products and the use of materials that generate huge amounts of toxic wastes goes against such a vision.

Using eco-friendly t-shirts helps create eco consciousness that encourages people to wake up to the desire to protect the environment. Many of these t-shirts carry meaningful messages that encourage people to think of their environment. These t-shirts are right for the skin as they are made of 100% cotton. Also, the dyes used on these materials are low impact dyes that have the least amount of effect on the environment and are gentle on the skin.

About A.M. Custom Clothing:

A.M. Custom Clothing was founded in 2012 as a small startup looking to make waves in the textiles industry. Currently they are one of the fastest growing, wholesale providers of custom printed and embroidered clothing. Many organisations and brands in the UK and worldwide now look to A.M. Custom Clothing as their trusted supplier

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