Women in Hoshiarpur district of Punjab prepare homemade masks for villagers to fight COVD 19


In GugwaalHaarvillage situated in Hajipur Block of District Hoshiarpur, Punjab, a group of young women, are working tirelessly to safeguard their residents of their village and those in the vicinity, vulnerable migrant workers and ration and food supply distributors from COVID 19 infections by making and distributing face masks free of cost. The group is led by the village Sarpanch Sh Narinder Singh.

The Punjab State S<T Council (PSCST) Chandigarh supported by the Department of Science < adopted farmers from about 30 villages of Talwara Block. The members of Whatsapp group are being sensitized about the various advisories being issued by State/Central Government. The local population has welcomed the initiative, and sarpanches of these villages are ensuring that people adhere to guidelines issued by the Government from time to time.

For more details: Dr InduPuri, Scientists ‘F’, DST, indub.puri@nic.in, Mob: 9810557964

Fig: Glimpses of activities being carried out by the Group