The Connors Group – Your best ally in business management consultant


Many businesses turn to human resources services companies to perform tasks related to personnel selection. This option of outsourcing is sometimes questioned because the department that is the recipient of the position complains that the candidates it requires do not reach it.

However, from other fronts, the importance of subcontracting these tasks is pointed out to dedicate time to the business. Which of the two visions is correct? Is it any use of hiring a human resources consulting company?

Keys to outsource recruitment services to a Workforce Management Consultants:

When subcontracting personnel selection services to a human resources consulting company, there are several keys to make the result of the process of success. As in any other process entrusted to a third company, a series of requirements must be followed, such as the following:

– The ultimate responsibility for the process is the company that subcontracts, not the human resources consultant. Letting the latter take care of everything and choose the final candidate is a mistake that will be paid sooner or later. The company is the one that must choose its final candidates and opt for the final one.

– For the process to work, the resource consultant H. B. Maynard must provide a good definition of the position to be filled and the desired requirements for the ideal candidate. If it is too diffuse or if the perfect candidate is sought, the process of recruiting candidates can hardly be carried out.

– If there is more than one compatible profile, it is good to provide this requirement to the consultant so that they can develop their work better, but without forgetting that it is necessary to specify.

– The favors end up being paid, so if a consultant is commissioned because a friend works for us and makes us a price, and it turns out that she is not a specialist in the profiles that are sought, the likelihood of an extra cost It is directly proportional to the level of friendship.

– It is a mistake to think that LinkedIn can do the job of a serious human resources consultant. The labor standards consultant has contacts, knows where to look for them, preselect them, interpret a curriculum, what questions to ask the candidates, interpret their answers and, ultimately, act as a filter to develop a set of ideal candidates for the position offered.

At Connors Group, we are experts and experienced in the field of IT, Digital Marketing, and Business Transformation.