How to make great villa renovations Auckland?


At Next Level Construct, we are very proud of our record of top-quality villa renovations Auckland. We have carried out villa renovations across Auckland. One of the reasons we have generated such a good reputation is the way we work with our clients on various villa renovations projects.
Check out our villa renovation process so you can get some idea of the attention to detail we implement to ensure that you get the best outcome from your renovation or villa restoration project.

Conversation with the builders

We receive enquiries with different methods including word-of-mouth referrals, website enquiries, and a range of other sources. Our experts contact you over the phone or online to discuss your plans for villa renovations projects.

During this conversation our expert builders ask you a few questions so that you can get an idea of the type of renovation you are looking at, how big the project is, for example: –

• Are you looking to add a bedroom?
• Do you want to create more living space?
• Is it just a bathroom or kitchen renovation?

Such types of questions can give you a quick response if it is the type of renovation job that we are best suited to carry out for you.

As a broad view, we also carry out small-scale villa restoration tasks like character window or weatherboard replacement for major villa renovation projects by adding modern appliances and large-scale home extensions to your villa.

The procedure we follow for villa renovation

• Meeting at the villa renovation site
• Establishing the baseline
• Initial design concept
• Finished drawings and quotation for the villa renovations
• Begin with renovation
• Regular progress report

At Next level Construct, we are villa renovations, builders, in Auckland and love working on villa renovations as fulfilling the villa renovations with modern styles and construction techniques while retaining the elegance. Over the years, we have built various residential and commercial places and have a great reputation.

If you have an Auckland villa renovation in mind, give us a call we will chat about your project.