Expanding Noise Survey Capabilities in the UK


ParkerJones Acoustics has just added another sound level meter to our armoury to be able to take on more noise surveying work! Great timing as we can’t get out to survey right now… But we’re still working on noise assessments across the UK even without surveying and without delay.

But when we’re back from the COVID-19 lockdown we’ll be able to take on more noise surveys with our additional sound level meter! This meter is capable of all types of environmental noise surveying over periods of up to 2 weeks, noise at work assessments, and internal building acoustic testing. Our plan is to base this kit with a ParkerJones Acoustics consultant in either London or Manchester.

Meanwhile, on the agenda this week, two gyms (Bristol and London), and two residential (Bristol and Southampton). Also likely to being doing some work on a hospital in Wales next week, and some residential building acoustic design for a project in Sofia, Bulgaria…

Get in touch with ParkerJones Acoustics at www.parkerjonesacoustics.com