Melissa Lynn McDowell’s Silky Massage Center


Melissa Lynn McDowell has a popular massage business in Pleasanton, Livermore, and Fremont. Ever needed a very hands-on and individualized approach towards your physical needs?

With ten years in this business, Melissa has exactly what you want: her delicate and skilled fingers that will heal you effortlessly. She is unabashed, proud, and passionate, as a professional muscle therapy doctor. Pain in the shoulder? No problem, she will take care of it. Carpal tunnel? She will heal that too. Abdominal constipation? No problem.

Join the massaging mayhem! Melissa adds a different dimension to the masseuse industry. She has years of solid experience in show business as a formal liaison and entertainer. She learned to be confident in both public and private. She brings her lovely determination to the massage table! Literally. She adorns the most beautiful gowns as she helps joints recover, and stress disappear, in front of majestically custom-painted floral backgrounds. It is an artistic experience above all, and she is a top model at

Her creativity spans all sorts of different methodologies, as evidenced by her deep experience at Crossroads Church, Fremont, CA, as a Creative Arts Associate and Melissa’s Instagram. You will leave her room feeling refreshed, and relaxed in every single way you can imagine. There is no physical pain that Melissa cannot take care of.

Melissa’s strength comes from inside and out, she lived proudly against her mental issues, braved depression, and turned it all into positives, filled with incited passion to make happy clients. Every client who has entered her room leaves feeling like royalty.

Verified Source: Melissa Lynn McDowell & Jeff Rulifson


Melissa Lynn McDowell Massage is a thriving massage business and private performance center for massage enthusiasts that are looking for a fresh artistic twist to their sessions. She is the perfect body expert for all issues.

Contact Information:

NAME: Melissa Lynn King McDowell


MAIL ADDRESS: 1139 Concannon Blvd, Unit 18 Livermore CA 94550

OFFICE: 41386 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538

PHONE: (510) 651-0301

