New Book by Michael Washburn: When We’re Grownups


ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Michael Washburn When We’re Grownups hitting stores everywhere on September 30th, 2019.

Perhaps every adult experiences a moment when the gulf between childhood dreams and present reality is glaringly evident.
No less a writer than Turgenev captured the anguish of having to ask what we could have done with all the time that a human life encompasses. But then again, those childhood dreams hardly reflected our mature judgment. Imagine if we could step outside of time and look at the present moment with both idealism and wisdom.
The reality might be shocking and horrifying, but it could still make a pretty good story.

Michael Washburn is a Brooklyn-based journalist and writer. His short stories have appeared in numerous journals and magazines including: Green Hills Literary Lantern, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Weird Fiction Review, New Orphic Review, Stand, Still Point Arts Quarterly, Lakeview Journal, Black Fox Literary Magazine, Rosebud, Bryant Literary Journal, Meat for Tea, Marathon Literary Review, Prick of the Spindle, and other publications. Michael is the author of an acclaimed cover story in the Philadelphia City Paper, entitled “Home and Abroad.”
He is the author of a previous short fiction collection, Scenes from the Catastrophe (2016).

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