Los Angeles Center Provides Top Counseling and Psychotherapy


One of the most well-known therapists in Los Angeles is Roland A. Frauchiger. He offers high-quality Los Angeles counseling and psychotherapy at the Los Angeles Therapy Center and Associates group. Working with his team of experienced counselors, psychotherapists, and other professionals in Los Angeles, he has been helping people for over 25 years. His services include diagnosis, counseling, and psychotherapy. The following diagnoses can be treated: anxiety, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders, domestic violence, relationship difficulty, child counseling, family difficulty, pre-marital counseling, and developmental disorders.
Visit the center’s website to learn more: www.latherapy.info.
People who have life challenges require a reliable and experienced therapist. It can be difficult to find a marriage and family therapist in Atwater Village, though, if you don’t know where to look. Rather than search all over town for anger management and domestic violence programs, contact the professional team at the LA Therapy Center. Programs include the following: the no-nonsense six-hour anger management course, couples and family counseling, how to live with another person, child counseling, mind & body therapy, alternative counseling & psychotherapy, orgone & bioenergetic therapy and much more.
Family counseling is a popularly requested service. Frauchigeris a well-known Atwater Villagefamily therapist who helps people handle relationships with love (without destroying the family or hurting children).This counseling has helped families overcome domestic violence, too. The center’s singular aim is to help society members live a better and healthier life. The center uses the latest treatments to help families and individuals.
If you still have questions, visit the aforementioned website today to learn more about counseling and psychotherapy.
Contact Us:

2347 Edgewater Terrace, Los Angeles, CA 90039.
Phone No: 800 899 0064
Website: https://latherapy.info/