Measures taken. Social Distancing accounted for. New England Burials at Sea At sea scattering upgrades to assist families with planning


4/6/20 News Release

CONTACT: Capt. Brad White, New England Burials at Sea,
(781) 834-7500,

Measures taken. Social Distancing accounted for.
New England Burials at Sea
At sea scattering upgrades to assist families with planning

MARSHFIELD, MA – Captain Brad White, founder of New England Burials at Sea LLC (NEBAS) headquartered in Marshfield, MA announced that the company has designed a no charge upgrade program for the increased demand of COVID-19 related family scattering requests in 2020.

White shared that during this devastating public health crisis his company is upgrading many 1-6 passenger attended by family events from the standard 30’-50’ vessels to larger 65’ – 110’ vessels at no additional charge, enabling for safe at sea 6’+ social distancing for up to 10 passengers aboard at the same time while following published CDC safety requirements.

Capt. White expects full body sea burials at sea are on hold at this time until after the pandemic subsides but in the meantime is offering this no charge scattering upgrade program so families can get the healing and closure they need without feeling compelled to make immediate or uncertain final plans helping families to cope with the unexpected loss of their loved one.

For more information visit, call New England Burials At Sea, Capt. Brad White direct (781) 834-7500, email

© 2005-2020 New England Burials at Sea, all rights reserved. Patents pending.

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