Transparently connect the cloud storage


EaseTag Tiered Storage (hierarchical storage management, HSM) Filter Driver SDK, is a data storage technique which automatically moves data between local and cloud storage. EaseTag tiered storage SDK can help simplify the cloud storage migration process by providing the transparent file access from the remote storage.The Cloud storage tiering was implemented with tiered storage file system filter driver. A file system filter driver intercepts requests targeted at a file system or another file system filter driver. By intercepting the request before it reaches its intended target, the filter driver can extend or replace functionality provided by the original target of the request.The EaseTag tiered storage filter driver can intercept the file I/O to the local storage and redirect it to the remote cloud storage by implementing the file system filtering functionalities which was provided by the Filter Manager framework.

Integrate your exiting on-premises applications with remote cloud storage.Our EaseTag Tiered Storage Filter Driver Service connects an on-premise software appliance with cloud-based storage to integrate your existing on-premises applications with the remote cloud storage infrastructure in a seamless, secure, and transparent fashion.There are no interruption to migrate your on-premise files to the remote cloud storage, don’t need to change your existing applications and infrastructure. Set up file cloud migration policies based on the file type, file size, file attributes.Create stub file based on the policies after the file was migrated to the cloud storage, free up the space from on-premise storage.Transparent the cloud storage access by reading the stub file for your local application.Transparent moving data back from remote cloud storage to the local, re-hydrate the stub file for the recent access file based on the policies.

EaseTag Tiered Storage (hierarchical storage management, HSM) Filter Driver SDK, is a data storage technique which automatically moves data between high-cost local disk and low-cost remote cloud storage. EaseTag tiered storage SDK can help simplify the migration process by providing the transparent file access from the remote storage. Using the cloud as a storage tier, data can first be moved to a “warm” archive tier of higher-performance disk, where it can still be accessed quickly to meet RPO and RTO SLA’s. As you retain archives for longer, older data can then be moved to a “cold” archive tier with better economics. (This is similar to the tiered storage cost/performance model offered by Amazon S3 with its “warm” Standard tier, “cold” Infrequent Access tier and “frozen” Glacier tier.)