Enjoy the Benefits of Yoga While Social Distancing with Vagabond Temple’s Online Yoga Class


Social distancing measures mean people should find alternative ways to do a yoga class at home. Vagabond Temple offers a solution with its online yoga and meditation class.

[Kep, 06/04/2020] – The whole world is hunkered down at home while practising social distancing to prevent the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus. This means mass gatherings, like going to the mall, the school or the workplace are temporarily prohibited.

For those who join yoga and meditation classes, the restrictions on mass gatherings make attending these classes impossible. However, it’s more important than ever to focus on clearing the mind and staying fit, since the isolation brought by quarantines and lockdowns can negatively impact a person’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Fortunately, online yoga classes are available from Vagabond Temple, helping people continue their spiritual practices in the midst of uncertainty due to the pandemic.

Find Spiritual Healing Online

Cambodia-based retreat centre Vagabond Temple has been offering yoga and meditation classes to its members for years. For a yearly membership of $99, a person can access Vagabond Temple Online and its guided meditations, recipes and more. But with the stress and challenges the coronavirus pandemic has wrought upon the world, Vagabond Temple now offers their yearly membership for whatever price members can afford.

The Vagabond Temple Online website gives members a library of yoga, meditation and dharma talks. These allow members to continue being mindful of their health and wellbeing, and maintain their spiritual practices even when they’re not at the retreat centre.

Apart from the talks, members may browse through Vagabond Temple’s videos, including yoga classes, Kundalini practices, guided breathing exercises, as well as vegan recipes. The membership also comes with a safe and supportive community that focuses on uplifting each other.

With Vagabond Temple’s online yoga and meditation classes, members can feel calm and in control during these trying times.

About Vagabond Temple

Vagabond Temple is a retreat centre based in Cambodia that provides yoga and meditation retreats for people from around the world and all walks of life. The company believes that with the right tools for transformation, everyone can be empowered to face life’s challenges and understand their true self.

Visit https://www.vagabondtemple.com today to sign up for a membership.