In view of the present scenario amidst threat of COVID-19, Union HRD Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank directed the heads of autonomous institutions coming under the Ministry to take necessary steps for Mental Health & Well-Being of Students in wake of COVID-19 outbreak.
Accordingly, in order to address any kind of mental health and psycho-social concerns of the student community during and after COVID-19, UGC has requested all Universities and Colleges to take the following measures for the mental health, psychosocial aspects and well-being of the students:
1. Set up help lines for mental health, psychosocial concerns and well-being of students in Universities / Colleges. To be regularly monitored and managed by Counsellors and other identified faculty members.
2. Regular mentoring of students through interactions, and appeals/letters by the Universities/Colleges to remain calm and stress free. This can be achieved through telephones, e-mails, digital and social media platforms.
3. Form COVID-19 help groups of students, headed by hostel wardens / senior faculty who can identify friends/classmates in need of help and provide immediate necessary help.
4. Share the following video links of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on your University/College website, and with students and faculty via e-mail, through social media like Facebook, WhatsApp and twitter etc.:
Practical tips to take care of your Mental Health during the Stay In
Minding our minds during the COVID-19
Various Health Experts on how to manage Mental health & Well Being during COVID-19 outbreak
Behavioural Health: Pschyo-Social toll free helpline – 0804611007