Types of Oriented Strand Board


OSB massivholzplatte is perfect for the interior design of commercial, business and, of course, residential spaces. They are the Top on wood floors, as they are extremely resistant, durable and have a very fine appearance.

It is the best substitute for traditional solid wood, as it is highly ecological, as the properties of its plant allow it to grow four times faster than trees. For this reason, it is called “the wood of the future”.

OSB terrassendielen is a floor made from normal bamboo flooring with a new technology of filament weaving, twice as hard and dense. So that it can be used in heavy traffic.

For design purposes, they are handled in Natural and Charred colors. The latter being the most popular for its better resistance to water and its exotic appearance.

– Natural Bamboo: Clear in color and similar to the solid floor.

-Carbonized Bamboo: A darker shade similar to caramel sugar, obtained through a process of heating by fire at high temperatures. Whose steam and ash penetrate from the surface to the middle plate of the bamboo, giving it a darker and more exotic appearance.

– Commercial: The top of the wood floors. Extremely strong, resistant, durable and very fine-looking. This makes it suitable for use in commercial, business and, of course, residential spaces.

Parkettkaufen is an excellent alternative to solid wood floors since in addition to having all the advantages of the latter, they have a series of unique properties that make them the best option.

– 100% Ecological: Bamboo is a grass that, when cut, grows again without planting it and reaches its level of maturity for industrial uses in 3 to 5 years, unlike conventional wood for floors that requires reforestation and may take longer. 20 years.

– Quick and easy installation: The Bamboo floor is finished. It does not require polishing and it can be installed “float” (like laminate flooring) which allows high performance in the installation.

– Dimensional Stability: Bamboo flooring expands or contracts 50% or less than solid wood flooring. Therefore, you will not have cracks or fissures problems between the boards if it is installed correctly.

– Exotic Appearance: Bamboo knots can be seen on the Bamboo floor, giving it an exotic appearance that cannot be equaled with any kind of natural wood.

Because it is a natural material, our floors can have differences in tone within the same table, box or lot.