Things to know about the elimination of Criminal Records


Expungement is the process by which an individual’s arrest record is removed from police files. In most cases, a person has the right to have a criminal record expunged if they were acquitted by a judge or if the case was dismissed.

Criminal record check Canada andclearance have become increasingly important due to the increased frequency of background investigations, and the ability of companies and employers to do so.

Law enforcement agencies record arrests and criminal charges. It is possible to remove criminal records from the files of a government agency, but not from private companies.

Advantages of being benefited with the Remove criminal offenses Canada:

Let us find out here what are the advantages to Remove criminal offenses Canada.

Access to computer databases allows more and more people to obtain information on criminal records. Police officers have computers in their vehicles, and a traffic stop could reveal past criminal charges. Often employers and owners conduct online criminal record check Canada.

Eligibility for background clearance depends on state law. An attorney determines whether or not this can be done.

Process of expungement or expungement:

Background clearance begins with an application that is prepared, signed, and filed with the district court. Then, all government agencies that record the applicant’s arrest history are notified of the lawsuit and a hearing is scheduled.

If the background clearance benefit is granted, the individual has the right from that time to deny that an arrest or criminal charge ever existed, except when testifying under oath.

When the removal of records is final, law enforcement agencies may not disclose any records that have been removed. If they did, they would be committing a crime.

Police Record Cancellation:

The unfavorable police record derives from the acts typified in the current Penal Code as crimes or from those others of an administrative nature that have led, by the State Security to the investigation of proceedings and their subsequent remission to the Judicial or Administrative Authorities.


The processing of DUI criminal record pardon Canada is 3 months. Once the said period has elapsed, the intended cancellation may be understood as estimated even when there has been no express resolution.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the resolution period will be suspended when it is necessary to obtain from the judicial body the date of the expiration of criminal responsibility. It is essential for the beginning of the calculation of the cancellation periods.