The Benefits of Vehicle Detection Systems @ Icoms Detections S.A.


02 April 2020, Belgium: Since 1993, Icoms Detections have been one of the leading designers and manufacturers of vehicle detection systems based on microwave technology.

For many years, Icoms Detections devices have been installed in countries like the Canada, India, Australia, South Africa, and many others. With the increase in Canada and other countries in Europe, Icoms Detections now exports almost 80% percent of its total manufactured products.

These vehicle detection systems manufactured by Icoms Detections S.A. improve the mobility of traffic on the road. The systems are easy to use, non-intrusive, as well as durable.

Icoms Detections S.A. is working tremendously to improve Canada’s traffic mobility. With these vehicle detection systems, our traffic management authorities can use accurate information about vehicles on the road to make informed decisions about infrastructure.. The systems can also be used to provide real-time information to traffic lights to dynamically adapt the green and red phase.

Additionally, radar systems are typically not hampered by weather conditions, a great advantage over competing technologies.

Contact Information

Av. Einstein 11 B
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Phone: +32 (0)10/45.41.02