How Hosting on WP Engine Helps Your SEO


WP Engine as its managed web hosting provider for a variety of reasons — SEO being just one. Hosting with WP Engine provides you some unique advantages that can help you rank higher on search engines. In this section we’ll talk about the factors that influence SEO related to your host and how WP Engine delivers a service that sets you up for SEO success.

Page Speed :

The speed of your website is a known factor in the Google search algorithm as confirmed by Google’s. While the influence of page speed on your rankings can vary, what remains consistent is Google’s position that usability and accessibility are important factors in their search algorithm and page load time is a huge influence on both of those factors.
If you’d like to see for yourself how Google looks at page speed and accessibility, you can test your site using the Google. This tool has been constantly improved and promoted by Google further underpinning their focus on the importance of page speed.

Luckily, WP Engine delivers a hosting service that serves your content lightning-fast, allowing you to reduce your page load times and increase your Page Speed. Not only does this translate into a better user experience for your visitors, it also gives search engines like Google the trust they need to rank your sites in prominent positions on search results.

Bounce Rate :

Hosting on WP Engine can help you deliver a super fast experience for your visitors, which can help reduce your bounce rate.

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your site after only viewing one page and may also include visitors who leave your site before the content is even loaded. Imagine clicking on a link in a Google search result, the page starts loading, your progress meter spins, the page takes too long to load, and you click the back button. Congratulations, you just bounced.

Depending on the type of site you have, bounce rates can have a disastrous effect on your business and your SEO.

To make matters worse, it is often a metric you can’t even measure as slow loading websites won’t even load your Analytics tracking code before the visitor bounces!

A study by KISS Metrics illustrates that “a 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions”. Not only do increased bounced rates translate into lost sales, but also lost engagement which can nuke your site’s rankings.
Bounce rate and its influence in the Google search algorithm is a controversial subject. Google iteself has publicly stated that it is not a factor in their algorithm, but independent studies show variations ranging from slight to significant impacts on rankings. Of course, there are too many factors to know for sure, but there are some very significant indirect effects bounce rate can have on your rankings, which these studies may be illustrating.

First of all, Bing has publicly stated that social engagement with your content is a signal in their search algorithms. A high bounce rate can have a compounding effect on your social engagement. When you have a high bounce rate that means a higher percentage of your visitors will not wait for your content to load which means less social sharing. For those who do share your content, their friends and followers are also more likely to bounce when visiting your site and less likely to share the original post. This compounding effect reduces both the flow at the beginning of the social funnel (people who post links to your content) and further down the funnel (people sharing those posts). This overall reduction in social engagement can have a big impact on your site in the search results.

Additionally, high bounce rates reduce the number of bloggers and webmasters viewing your content deep in your site. This means that it will be less likely that bloggers and webmasters will link to your content. Outside of the content on your site, the volume and quality of links to your website is the number one factor influencing your search rankings. Hosting with WP Engine gives you the high page speeds necessary to combat bounce rate, deliver a great customer experience, and make webmasters proud to link to your content.

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