Davenports Harbour Lawyers Release a Free Legal Fitness Check for NZ Businesses


Davenports Harbour Lawyers have created and released a free online legal fitness check for New Zealand businesses to help them identify where they might be legally vulnerable.

As a business owner, you will always want to ensure that you are following the right guidelines and advice, especially from a legal point of view. But are you truly clued up on the needs and where you stand with your small business? Often as a business owner, we have more focus on other priorities, and the legal aspects and stance of our business may be lower down the priority list. This is where we can help.

Filling out our easy to understand online form will help you to gain a better understanding of your knowledge and also be able to highlight exactly where you stand in terms of a legal point of view with your business. All small business owners have a responsibility to be more aware of where their business fits from a legal perspective, and this is where our free legal health check for your business can prove useful.

The form simply asks you questions based on your knowledge and understanding of legal requirements for small fitness and health businesses in New Zealand. We want to understand what you understand to be legal and perhaps even highlight to you where things may need to change for your business. It is a free legal health check for your business that could help you to gain a better understanding of what you can or can’t do and ultimately allow you to make some necessary changes based on the results. If you are interested to see where your small business stands on a legal point of view then fill out the free legal health check from today.

Davenports Harbour Lawyers’ commercial team specialise in all facets of commercial law within New Zealand, whether your business is large or small, Davenports can help steer you in the right direction.

For more information about Davenports Harbour Lawyers visit https://www.davenportsharbour.nz/