7 Natural Home Remedies To Repair Wounds In Dogs


If you are a pet-parent who needs to always pull up their socks to be there for their dog, then this is surely for you. We all know that dogs are indefatigable and curious creatures. They won’t let you be at ease if you mess with their routine. And when you take them out either for a walk or at the park to sniff around, their fanatical playtime or clumsiness might get them a deep cut or a nasty scratch.
The cut or scratch and other minor maladies can be cured at home as well. You don’t always require running to the vet if you are aware of home remedies for wounds in dogs. Pet parents can help to heal a dog cut quickly by using these natural home remedies.
Let’s run down natural home remedies that you can consider to treat dog wounds.
Vinegar Rinse
Apple cider vinegar is been used for first-aid since very long. It has a cooling sensation which makes it a good natural remedy. Vinegar can be applied to a dog’s cuts, wounds, skin infections, dull fur, and itchy areas. It aids healing and helps repel fleas and ticks treatments as well.
Unrefined Sea Salt
Unrefined sea salts are rich in minerals. When added in any tea, it can be used to treat wounds. You can also take ½ cup plain water and add 2 tablespoons of unrefined sea salt and apply on the pet’s wound for a week to see the cure.
Running water works as the best wound healing therapy. It washes away any debris that is forming and lets the dog’s body heal without creating pus or dead cells on the wound. You need to hold the pet gently and run cool water on the wound for about 5-10 minutes twice a day. If you have a puppy then using that little spray hose works well.
Herbal Tea
Herbs have long been used to treat or prevent ailments in people but it is imperative to know that certain herbs can help out your dogs too. You can clean your pet’s wounds with a strongly brewed herbal tea. Then you can apply, spray, wash, rinse, or compress herbal tea to heal the wound.
Coconut Oil
If your pooch is suffering from cracked pads or wounds or cuts then using coconut oil is a great deal. Coconut oil consists of natural antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties which can be safely used to heal and soothe wounds in dogs.
Turmeric contains cur cumin, which is safe for most dogs. All you need to do is create a paste by mixing turmeric and water and stir well for a few minutes until combined. Applying turmeric paste on a dog’s wound can serve as an anti-inflammatory agent. It acts as a disinfectant that helps in reducing swelling and pain.
Last but surely not the least; a Saline solution is an easiest and affordable way to heal wounds in dogs. To prepare, take 1 cup of boiling water and add ½ teaspoon of salt and stir until dissolved. Let it cool and then wash your pet’s wounds with the saline solution. This not only disinfects the wound but also cleans possible debris if washed repeatedly.
Well, using natural remedies are the best soothing ways to heal infected cut in dogs. However, these remedies maybe a little time consuming as it displays required results a bit slowly. Therefore, if you want to heal dog wound fast or with a lesser time involved then it is recommended to use wound repair for dogs such as Dermavet, Dermaclens, Wound Guard an Avert Bitter Solution to get faster results.
Furthermore, applying or using more amounts of natural remedies can cause an adverse reaction. Hence, it is crucial to always alert your vet before giving any home treatment to your dog.