Award-Winning Booktoots’ Healing Proudly Announces Newly Revised Ebook Titled “Water Exercises For TKR Patients”


Marie Buckner, owner of the award-winning tkr blog known as Booktoots’ Healing, is pleased to announce the release of her newly revised ebook titled “Water Exercises For TKR Patients”.

“Even though the exercises in this ebook can be used by anyone wanting to get in better shape, my focus in on those recuperating or living with a total knee replacement,” Marie says.

“Water is the perfect exercise medium since it is so easy on the joints. My 73-page ebook contains not only knee exercises, but ones for warming up, hands/wrists, upper arms, abdominals, and lower body. In other words, a complete workout,” she mentions.

This informative ebook also contains chapters on nutrition, safety, and benefits of water exercising. All exercises are tried-and-tested, some being original and others well-known standards. All have worked for her in improving her total knee replacement’s flexibility and strength. Many exercises come in three variations.

“Water Exercises For TKR Patients” is available for sale via her website at, Amazon, and Kindle.