What should you consider before buying a pool pump?


If you are planning to buy a pool pump, we recommend first visit torontopoolsupplies.ca. We have an extensive range of pool pumps including Hayward pool pump.

Well, it is recommended to consider the following point before buying Hayward super pump or any type of pool pump:

1. Pool capacity:

This is the most important factor you should take into account before buying a pool pump. Depending on the liters the pool has, you should buy an engine with more or less power.

If you do not look at this number, you run the risk of buying a pool pump that cannot move the water with sufficient power and, consequently, that cannot efficiently remove and filter the waste. On this point, we recommend that if you have a removable pool, buy a pump with a flow rate of about 3,000 liters per hour. For large pools, this number must be at least 5000 L / h.

2. Type of filter:

The second most important element that you should evaluate when buying a pool purification pump is the type of filter. In the market, the most common are sand filters and cartridge filters.

Cartridge filters are also very effective, however, maintenance requires buying a new cartridge, which is usually more expensive.

3. Type of pool:

Before buying a scrubber pump, it is advisable to check its compatibility with the type of pool. The best option is usually cartridge filters since they are very easy to assemble and maintain, and effectively retain dirt according to the volume of water in this type of pool.

4. Materials:

When buying a pump for pool treatment plants, it is convenient to look at the quality of the materials. First of all, because it is an apparatus that comes into contact with water and chemicals that can cause wear.

And, secondly, because the filter system must be of good quality so that it can clean the water effectively. If you are going to choose a model of conversation, you should pay attention that it is of high quality, resistant and, if possible, that it complies with some quality certification. If you need to buy a Hayward ecostar pump, it should be anticorrosive and better if it includes a prefilter, as it will help to make it more durable.

You can buya Hayward tristar pump from our website at the best prices. We also deal with Goodman home furnace and all types of pool parts.