myOnsite healthcare – Home Phlebotomy Services


Don’t want to go to a hospital or lab waiting room for your routine or special-order blood tests?

Many labs, healthcare groups and private doctors are now using at home phlebotomy to collect blood draws. At home phlebotomy services are not only convenient, but serve patients that cannot get to a lab easily, or are home bound.

Mobile phlebotomy also has the additional benefit of not exposing potentially compromised patients to the outside world or medical facilities when not necessary.

Mobile phlebotomists are trained and certified just like the ones you would see at a lab, or at a hospital, and have all the same skills and knowledge. Many phlebotomists have had decades of experience, and prefer this specialized way to care for patients. Blood is drawn just like at the lab or hospital, and delivered to the lab just like it would be if you went there yourself. There are no delays in results, and the lab reports back just as they would if you had gone yourself. Some of the tests are even read onsite and reported back to the patient’s physician immediately.

How safe is it?
Reputable companies not only ensure that the phlebotomists are qualified, but run background checks on their employees. All employees of legitimate companies are thoroughly vetted.

Other benefits
Mobile phlebotomists are able to take time with each patient, and are able to deliver exceptional individualized service to each patient that they see.

Why wait in long lines or put an elderly or infirm patient at risk when you can simply use a home service. Whether you are making an appointment for yourself or for your loved one, a skilled phlebotomist will come to you.

It’s important to make sure you are using a reputable and established mobile phlebotomy service. Check their website, read reviews and call their customer service to ask any other questions you may have.

Simple to use
Scheduling an appointment is just as simple as the service itself.

• Fax us your lab orders at 877-471-1327
• Contact customer support.1-877-686-4440
• eMail lab order to
• Signup for our web portal :