Is it true that there are different types of air purifiers? Definitely yes.


When we think of an air purifier we have the idea that these mostly have a fairly standard model, and that they also have only a specific function, but the truth is that this device has different uses, as well as different models that share only some features.
The truth is that there are some varieties in each air purifier, which we can classify according to some characteristics, the first related to the space in which they will be installed, and the next with the purification system they use.
olansi K15B air purifier
olansi K15B air purifier
Types of filters
Depending on the space: Within this category we will include the types of air purifiers whose classification is based on the space in which they will be operating.
Domestic air purifier
The air purifier for domestic purposes fulfills the function of making the environment in homes much more suitable for living within the space. These purifiers are characterized by their standard size, whose presence in small places is no problem. Domestic air purifiers are able to keep an environment of about 70 square meters free of contamination, which makes it ideal not only for homes, but also for offices and small offices.
Industrial air purifier
An industrial type air purifier varies with respect to the domestic one due to its size, and also because it has a much larger range than this. As it should be used in places that are quite large and crowded, it must have quite considerable power. In most cases, the shape of the industrial air purifier can be inserted into the structure’s ventilation system, so it becomes easier to fulfill its functions from a more central location.
According to its purification system: Various aspects can enter here; although we already know that an air purifier is responsible for processing contaminated air and expelling a much healthier air, not all manufacturers have placed the same systems inside this device, in fact we can say that there is more than one, you will know the More popular.
Purifier with HEPA filters
This type of air purifiers have a mechanism that is based on the composition of various meshes, which have a completely inaccessible space for certain particles, which are trapped in it, and subsequently discarded. These meshes are placed as in a kind of blade that is constantly spinning. They also incorporate ultraviolet light to kill any type of virus or bacteria.
Purifier with activated carbon filters
These purifiers have great use in the purifying industries, since they are not only responsible for air, but also for water. These systems are really beneficial for two reasons, first because they eliminate waste from the air they process, and second because they are capable of eliminating odors, especially those that are very strong.
There are several other types of purifiers, and it is even common to see how various companies that manufacture purifiers dare to combine multiple processes to create an apparatus that is completely effective.
Olansi K09C air purifier
Olansi K09C air purifier
For more info about the air purifier,you can pay a visit to olansi air purifier at

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