Bambusparkett -The strongest and most viable natural material on the market


Bambusparkett is characterized by their quality, naturalness, and diversity. It will be an excellent choice when looking for a durable floor for its decorative and sensory appearance.

Both natural and charred bamboo flooring is excellent options for your home, as well as for offices and commercial premises.

In addition to being a 100% natural solid floor ready to install, it has the possibility of being restored up to 4 times during its useful life. Thus, generating the way to brand new floor each time it is polished.

Bambusfurnier is one of the most used materials in Asian countries for building homes. And of course floors, which give it a background of confidence according to the resistance, durability, and quality.

It offers as a basic element to support a house and such is the case of its resistance is the structure of bamboo is the highest in terms of solid wood. There is no doubt about its resistance and durability.

These bamboo floors are available in two different styles: 100% solid or OSB, which complement any interior decoration. From contemporary ultrachic through a more traditional classic look, the natural bamboo floor gives a truly unique look.

The advantages of these floors compared to wood floors are the following:

– Ultra-fast growth: Parkettboden only needs 6 years to grow in its entirety, compared to other trees that take 70 to 100 years to reach a stage necessary to be felled and used.

– Replanting is not necessary: When the oak is felled, 3 trees need to be planted to ensure their regeneration in the forest, whereas the bamboo does not need replanting because every year it sprouts again.

Bambus produkte is a nature with characteristics similar to wood. It is not considered a tree, but as together with elements necessary to be able to be materials with the same quality as wood and even with more beneficial aspects.

– A real concern for the environment: Using bamboo is helping to fight deforestation.

– Bamboo flooring installs like any other type of floating installation floor: Installing a bamboo floor is not just laying boards on the floor. A successful installation, which will give the customer satisfaction for years, depends on the correct planning of the work.

The key to the success of an installation depends on many other external factors such as condition and humidity of the plate before installing the bamboo floors, quality of the finishes (broom guard, profile shafts, stair noses, etc.).