Supervisor Academy Is The Leading UK Provider Of Training Within Industry


Although it has its’ roots in the Second World War,Training Within Industry was the Japanese companies such as Toyota that, over the past 70 years have kept TWI alive and leveraged its full potential. TWI methods are the foundation of the Toyota Production System, the strong foundation on which all the advanced tools and techniques are built that nowadays we call Lean. Training within Industry skills directly contribute to streamlining business,developing and engaging staff, maximum customer service and quality, and increasing profit margins by eliminating waste.

TWI has been re-discovered in the West and is now much in demand in the UK, the US, Europe and many other countries. Many managers and business owners have come to realise that the way to make their businesses more successful is to follow the Training Within Industry principles, and that improving the skills of their supervisors and their teams is the way to achieve that.

Training Within Industry provides supervisors and line managers with skills which are easy to learn and, when followed, will improve performance rapidly. The method is designed to remove bad habits and replace them with new ones that will stay with the teams forever, and it is proven to improve the performance of everyone in the business so that they are all pulling together to achieve a common goal.

At Supervisor Academy, the training that is provided develops essential skills in supervisors in specific areas.
TWI Job Instruction improves the skill of a supervisor to be able to pass on his or her knowledge to others, and to standardise methods so that everyone is more productive.
TWI Job Methods is designed to make operations processes more streamlined, robust and simple.
TWI Job Safety, as the name implies, develops the skill of recognising and removing risks associated with both people and the processes that they are using.
TWI Problem Solving helps supervisors to uncover the root causes of difficult problems and remove them completely.
Another skill is TWI Job Relations which is a way of improving the motivation of the employees and becoming a leader that they want to follow rather than just someone who hands out orders. This also involves the skill of being able to resolve any conflicts between team members.

Supervisor Academy also provides “train the trainer” coursesfor all of the TWI skills training programmes, which enable businesses to develop their own trainers in-house.

About The Company:
Supervisor Academy is a leading provider of Training Within Industry which is designed to improve the skills of supervisors and line managers with the object of attaining outstanding performance in a business. For further information, contact the companyby telephone:07714794807 or send your enquiry to
Supervisor Academy