Comprehensive and Customized Solution for GPS Survey Equipment


New Order Environmental Services, LLC, is an established environmental services company having a team of technology-driven professionals who are committed to make a difference through providing clients with necessary and sustainable environmental solutions. The team at New Order Environmental Services is known for providing high quality services in Albuquerque New Mexico. Over the years, we have worked with clients to deliver rapid, safe, greener and cost effective services.

We have designed comprehensive customized solution for each unique project such as consulting to design appropriate remediation strategies for each site and conduct surveys including Geospacially Referenced GPS Gamma Surveys, Geophysical Surveys, Data Processing, and Global Information System (GIS) Mapping. We use radiological survey equipment such as RS-700 Radiation Detector with most advanced high technology. Our qualified team of experts allows every aspect of the radiological survey process, both small and large, to be performed at the highest level of quality.

We stand out from our competitors because of our distinctive approach in providing radiological environmental remediation & reclamation services. All our sampling and analysis techniques are different and we ensure to tackle the project successfully.

New Order Environmental Services is a full-service provider of radiological, environmental, and waste management solutions. We are dedicated to provide radiological rental equipment such as RS-700 radiation detector, soil sampling augers and more.

Visit New Order Environmental Services website for radiological rental equipment and environmental services.