6 Better Ways to Simplify Mobile App Development with Hokuapps


Here’s a step-by-step process guideline to assist you in Mobile App Development.

1.Choosing the right programming language

Whether you view Mobile as a leading OS or app-publishing platform, it is intrinsically an amalgamation of functional programming languages. Mobile offers the all-powerful Java API, which is used to write the app infrastructure while the supporting implementations are written in C++. Additionally, Mobile is supported by XML that can be used in UI designing, HTTP and SQLite which are used for data storage and security, Gradle for compiling, and so on. Mobile app development is also made simpler with the installation of IDEs although it’s not a compulsory requirement.

2.Picking the best tools

To build a robust mobile app, developers must pick intuitive apps to aid Mobile App development. Popular options include debugging tools such as the Mobile Debugging Bridge (ADB) and the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS). Other options for making the development process easy are tools like Hierarchy Viewer and LayOutOpt.

Hierarchy Viewer

The Hierarchy Viewer is a sophisticated resource that enables visualization of elaborate layouts saving precious development hours that would have been otherwise wasted in styling optimization. Pixel perfect is another example of a picture tool that fine-tunes the placement coordinates and density of images.


This is an Mobile-specific trouble-shooting tool that runs against an XML file to create a concise explanation of the issue, along with the source of the problem. LayOutOpt mentions the line number where the issue has been spotted and suggests methods to resolve the same. Periodically the tool also throws up a suggestion to improve the platform attribute and reduce views to UI during runtime.

3.Optimizing Themes

Mobile App Development can be greatly simplified with the use of themes. Themes bring about a standardization in terms of the look, feel and styling of the app. Declaring the frame details such as height and width of every screen is a code-heavy route of development; not to mention time-consuming and prone to errors. Opt for an attractive theme that suits your layout and complement it with styling that will look attractive on all devices.

4. Be proactive on online forums

The mark of a good developer is not someone who knows how to write every line of sophisticated code; rather, it is someone who knows where to find relevant answers to his queries. Each project will require a certain skill set and present a wide variety of challenges that will leave even the most qualified developers dumb-founded. Online resources and discussion forums such as Stack Overflow, Github panels, and Mobile Subreddit are the life-source of developers.

Other notable platforms such as DevShed, CodeCall, ProjectCode, CodeAcademy et cetera, are also abuzz with a vibrant developer community eager to engage and solve problems together. Being social both in times of needs or towards the needs of other problem-solving developers will be the key to a successful career in Mobile App Development.

5.Development Timeframe

Mobile App development timeframes differ as per the rich features and core functionality of the app. Generally, a two-month time-period is considered sufficient for building a standard mobile app, but incremental features that require complex code may require more time. But most contracting companies will demand faster turnaround time, which is challenging but can be achieved by making use of rapid application tools. These tools ease the implementation of changes by making use of drag and drop interface design that bypass traditional coding requirements. These tools enable last-mile simplification in Mobile App Development.

6.Develop a Customer Feedback loop

The best resource in the pursuit of Mobile App Development is the end-user himself/herself. The foundation of building a good Mobile app is building an effective customer feedback loop that will bring real-time feedback from the customer at an early stage of app development which can be streamlined to build features and functionality that the customers will use and endorse.


Google’s open-source OS is increasingly popular with third-party app developers and innovators alike. Due to the resounding success of the mobile applications published to the platform, Mobile App development is growing in relevance to any business looking for a presence in the mobile computing technology space. However, developing an Mobile app may present a plethora of challenges.

In order to simplify the process of Mobile App Development, developers must gain skills in and apply the right combination of programming languages, pick the most intuitive tools for development, use themes for layouts as far as possible, gather information on online forums, work with realistic timeframes and incorporate a strong customer feedback loop as part of the development process. These steps will go a long way in making the Mobile app development process easy, as well as create the groundwork for building incremental features that users will cherish for years to come.

 is the fastest growing rapid application development platform that empowers organizations to develop innovative technology solutions incredibly fast. Our rapid application development platform has enhanced mobile and data integration capabilities to enable companies to speedily deploy mobile and web applications. We empower organizations to usher in their digital transformation journey to better engage with customers, partners, and employees.

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