For wholesale refrigeration supply and export contact C B Sales International


Florida, USA, 20 March, 2020 – – If you are looking for top quality refrigeration & AC equipment from international brands you don’t need to look beyond C B Sales International because it is a one stop shopping for all kinds of refrigeration units and accessories.The wholesale supplier is up to the growing demand and keeps huge stocks of known global brands that are known for their quality and performance. Global warming has necessitated the working of refrigeration equipment non-stop, so demand has gone up and the same goes to refrigeration parts owing to regular breakdowns.
If you are a wholesale supplier of refrigeration equipment C B Sales is the avenue you should be looking at because they have the capacity and capability to deliver them in bulk and the destination you want them to be delivered. Some of the top brands the company supplies to clients will include Goodman, LG, Amana, Mitsubishi, Lennox, Trane, Rheem etc with a variety of refrigerators, deep freezers, stand alone units, counter top and under the counter refrigeration cabinets, ice bins, and more.
If you are an exporter of HVAC equipment you can approach C B Sales as they have the wherewithal and resources to supply you with quality equipment at your door step or the country or continent you want them to be delivered. The company is already in to exporting refrigeration and HAVC equipment salesto South America, North America, Central America and Middle East and they have resourceful working partners ready to deliver the items you order from the company. Buying HAVC equipment will prove economical if you are a building contractor wanting to install them in large numbers. C B Sales can also deliver refrigeration and AC equipment other than mentioned here as they have the global resources that will supply them to you.
The company makes time bound delivery and it is owned to fast communication via online and can make delivery of the equipment even at the shortest notice. Visit the website to know more details of the company’s products and services. You can also contact them on phone numbers1-800-618-2665 or 305-226-2665 to clear your queries. For detailed reply send mail to
CB Sales International, based in Florida, USA, is onlinerefrigeration &HVAC equipment and they are in to supplying and exporting refrigeration equipment all over the world.

Contact Information
CB Sales International
13120 SW 130 Terrace
Miami, FL 33186
Phone: (305) 226-2665