National Rail and Transportation Institute


Technologies including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are being used for modernisation of Signalling systems. Remote Condition Based Monitoring using non-intrusive sensors, Data Logger system, Electronic Interlocking Stations, Mobile Train Radio Communication (MTRC), are being introduced. The use of this technology enables prediction of signalling assets failures and enhances reliability of Signalling System. Further, MTRC based on Long Term Evolution (LTE-4G) is planned to be extended to cover all major routes over Indian Railways. LTE over Indian Railways will work as backbone of train control < train protection system and will provide secure, always available and reliable voice, video and data communication services to support the communication needs for operational and other requirements of Rail Network. Indian Railways is also working on various way side fault detection technologies which are based on internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to improve safety, punctuality and line capacity. Some of the specifications based on these technologies like Smart Yard, Machine Vision Based Inspection System, Hot Axle and Hot wheel Detector System, Bogie Condition Monitoring System < Wheel Impact Load Detector System have already been issued. These and other new age technologies capture train running information < training, knowledge transfer etc. has been launched in collaboration with the University of Birmingham, UK. Development of several new Technologies like TCAS (Train Collision Avoidance System), Fog Pass, Fog Vision, Online Monitoring of Rolling Stock etc. has been taken up.