What products are there to heat a pool?


There are different ways to maintain a pleasant temperature and heat the water in your pool. From torontopoolsupplies.ca, we want to inform you and advise you on choosing the system that suits you and best suits your needs so that you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of hydrotherapy.

Take advantage of the comfort of having a pool ionizer system at home with a pleasant temperature during almost the whole year.

From electric heaters, heat exchangers (gas or electric heaters) and heat pumps. Even solar heating systems are methods used to provide heat in your pool.

Electric heater:

Hayward propane pool heater allows heating the pool water throughout the year. Depending on the geographical area they are suitable for pools up to 68 m3 and off the ground.

Very easy to install, you just have to insert it in the pool filtration system. The increase in the pool is achieved in an approximate period of 2 to 5 days. Thanks to the continuous filtration mode program. The operation of this system consists of electric resistance, of titanium that heats the water when it comes into contact with it.

Heat exchanger:

This appliance is installed in the conventional gas or electric boiler used for heating your home and sanitary water. Its installation is very simple and the cost is relatively reasonable, although not all boilers are designed to support this system.

Heat Pump:

The Hayward propane pool heater to heat the water taking advantage of the hot air. Its installation consists of a simple connection to the water circuit and the electric current of the pool.

Among the different advantages, we can highlight its high performance, since it multiplies from 2 to 6 times the energy consumed. With the heat pump, the water heating process takes 2 to 5 days.

Solar heating:

It consists of a closed circuit that heats the water using solar energy. The solar collectors are installed near the pool well located and facing the sun. Water is pumped to the solar panels that return hot water to your pool.

It is recommended that the surface of the panels be 50 to 75% of the surface of the pool. Because the free solar energy that can be captured is understood between these months. This system has a high initial cost, but it can be profitable if used in a region with good sunshine and high outside temperature.

At torontopoolsupplies.ca, we offer comprehensive pool services. We also deal with pool filter parts and pool heater parts.