How to Improve your Performance in JEE Main 2020April Session


The JEE Main 2020 was held in January between 6th Jan- 9th Jan,2020. Around 9.2 lac candidates had registered out of which approx. 8.7 lac appeared. The Result of January exam has been announced with 9 students scoring 100 Percentile across the country. However, the Common Rank List for JEE Main 2020 will be available in the first week of May after the declaration of the results of the April exam. The higher of the two scores of candidates who have appeared in either/both JEE Main January and April 2020will be considered for final ranking of JEE Main 2020. The common rank list will denote the All India and Category ranks of the candidates in addition to the details of the candidates and marks obtained. The JEE Main rank will be the basis for admissions to the NITs, IIITs and GFTIs said Mr Ramesh Batlish Head Fiitjee Noida.

For those who could not do well in the January session need not worry as the April session is another chance for all students who wish to improve their scores. The following points must be kept in mind when taking up the April session of JEE Main 2020.

1.One mustNOT repeat the same mistakes committed in January Session of JEE Main. Learning from mistakes is important.

2. Complete your syllabi if not done earlier.

3.Practice questions from Previous Year JEE Main Papers and even from January session of JEE 2020.

4.Use the Gap between your Board Exams to revise and take up Mock Tests on online Mode from reputed source for consistency in preparation.

5.Keep a check on your speed & accuracy as it is also important as to how you solve the paper for a high score.

6.You must have done the Test Analysis of the JEE Paper you took in January and ensure you are confident with each of those questions now.
7.Take help from your Subject Teachers to clear your doubts and speak to them in case of any conceptual doubts or problems which you are unable to solve.

8. Prepare a quick revision plan and categorize the chapters like:

Easy- generally you can solve any problem from these chapter/topic

Moderate- you take time to solve but your concepts of these chapters are clear

Difficult- you have not been able to understand the concepts in these chapter and find questions from these chapters tough.

9. While revising ensure you may have to take help from your teachers for the Difficult chapters and get all your concepts cleared as merely devoting time on these chapters may not help. You can join crash course for these topics.

10. For the Moderate Chapters you will need more practice so devote time daily so that you have completed solving adequate no. of questions from thesechapters.

11. For the chapters/Topics you find Easy it is important that you are always able to solve any given question from them. So, you must solve some questions even from these topics but avoid spending too much time on these as you are already good in these chapters.

12. While solving questions keep a check on your time and develop short cuts to avoid lengthy calculations. Use of diagrams/graphs will expedite your answers.

13. Try to remember all important formulae, named reactions as this will add to your speed while solving.

14. Your Speed, Accuracy and Time management will be an important parameter for success in JEE Main (April),2020.

15. Most importantly take care of your physical and mental fitness as there are external factors influencing your performance in the exam.

16. Avoid taking up new books or start any new chapters before the exam as this may spoil your confidence level.

17. Maintain a positive attitude throughout your preparation and remain focused. Staying confident and keeping calm while taking the exam also helps get a desired score.

Remember, it is the relative performance and not just how you have performed on the exam day. So, give in your best shot and you will ace JEE Main.