Ministry of Tourism is promoting India as a holistic destination under the Incredible India brand-line: Shri Prahlad Singh Patel


Ministry of Tourism undertakes promotional activities in domestic and international markets through its schemes of ‘Domestic Promotion < Publicity including Hospitality (DPPH)’ and Overseas Promotion < then taken up for development in consultation with the State Governments/UTs and are sanctioned subject to availability of funds, submission of suitable Detailed Project Reports, adherence to scheme guidelines and utilization of funds released earlier.

For integrated development of Theme-Based Tourist Circuits in the country, Ministry of Tourism has launched Swadesh Darshan Scheme in 2014-15 with a vision to develop theme based tourist circuits in the country. Since its launch in January 2015, the Ministry as on date has sanctioned 77 projects worth projects for Rs.6035.70 Crores to 30 States and UTs covering the thematic circuits under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme.

Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned following two projects under Wildlife Theme Circuit under Swadesh Darshan Scheme: (i) Development of Wildlife Circuit at Panna-Mukundpur-Sanjay-Dubri-Bandhavgarh-Kanha-Mukki-Pench in Madhya Pradesh during 2015-16